Monday, August 23, 2010

I am confused. Too many symbols and the chakras don't match

Today I received the "Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity" and I am very confused.
I see many unfamiliar symbols and feel that I no nothing about this calendar even-though I thought I was finally getting to understand it. I will continue with this blog and videos but I need to figure out what is going on with the representation of the "chakras".
I am finding a discrepancy between what is written in Time and the Thechnosphere and what I am reading in this almanac, the order of the days (kins) in relationship with the chakras is not the same I was just following before, On Arguelles book the week starts on Sunday and this almanac and the little booklet start on Monday. I was feeling very intuitively driven (going to the right direction) and now I am very confused because the chakras does not match. Grrrrrr! I need to read this almanac very carefully, I will be very disappointed if there is an error on this calendar which I am trying to follow because it suppose to be "more accurate" :|

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